We are all musicians. (Manifesto)

And not just those who can sing or play an instrument.


More precisely, we are all musical (yes, even you too).

After all, it is what you are born with, interwoven into the fabric of everything.

How does this mysterious force affect your mood, or give you energy?

If you’ve ever moved with the beat, sang off key in the car, or been transported into a higher state of mind with your favorite song, you’re in the right place.


Music has been around longer than agriculture, societal constructs, or even language itself.

Our ancestors first communicated through sound, using pitch and tone to convey emotions and strength.

We learned the language of music by listening to nature's melodies:

Birds chirping in the trees,

The rustling of leaves,

The roar of the sea,

And the crash of thunder.

We've also observed the rhythm of nature, from the movement of the stars and planets to the ebb and flow of the tides and seasons.

Music's Spiritual Power

Everything in creation is rhythmic, and we all have rhythm because of that.

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Music's Healing Powers: A Hidden Force for Wellness

Music has been shown to be a powerful tool in improving heart health, blood pressure, and the immune system.

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How Can Music-Making Bring Joy and Fulfillment to Your Life?

Creating music is even more beneficial than just listening to it.

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Music's inherent ability to promote peace, harmony, and healing is something we can all use more of.

This is why I’ve made it my mission to help every music lover develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with music.

If you have the desire to be a music maker (or believe that music might actually be your religion), we think you’ll love what we have here at QPL.

We create best-in-class music education that helps adult learners achieve long-term success at the piano.

We help people fulfill their dreams of learning the piano, no matter how late it may seem.

We help music lovers to actually enjoy the journey in becoming music makers.

We explore music’s endless potential to create inner and outer harmony.

If this resonates with you, stick around.

So glad you’ve stopped by. It means the world.

Have a look around and see if what we have is for you. Reach out and say “Hey!” anytime.

If you love listening to music, and want to start creating it, we’re here to guide the way.

For the love of music


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