About Me

From a young age, I was completely captivated by music.


I couldn’t stop moving with the beats and whistling along with the tunes that continuously flooded my mind.

The wizardry of classical pianists like Vladimir Horowitz and Evgeny Kissin utterly fascinated me. Their awe-inspiring performances ignited a deep desire within me to explore the world of music.

I started piano lessons at the age of ten, and I immediately fell in love with it.

Piano recital at Dr. K’s house, 1995

Soon after, I began studying under the great Dr. Botso Korisheli. He taught me the craft of playing, and introduced me to the works of the renowned composers.

With his guidance, I began performing recitals and participating in local competitions, achieving success by winning several during my high school years.

Playing a Moskovski Etude, 2003

I then attended the University of Oregon School of Music, and was immersed in a whole new world of music through singing in choirs, playing in bands, and attending symphonies. After receiving more in-depth training with renown pianist Dean Kramer, I finished with a bachelor’s degree in music.

Playing some Debussy in the UO practice rooms, 2005

I further continued my studies with concert pianist Eduardo Delgado and piano pedagogue Martha Baker-Jordan at CSU Fullerton. They helped me to unlock even greater musical expression at the piano, and also how to guide others in learning the art. My graduate studies led to the completion of my master's degree in piano pedagogy.

Playing a Scherzo by Chopin for my graduate performance, 2008

As a music educator, each student teaches me something new about the transformative power of music, and I found great fulfillment in witnessing their joy and progress.

I became interested in teaching piano to adults, and realized that I could make piano accessible and enjoyable for adults who may have missed out on it earlier in life. This led to a unique chance to teach my own mother through online lessons.

My mom playing Amazing Grace

Today, my mission is to spread the tremendous healing power of music and make learning the piano memorable and gratifying for all music lovers.
